
We try and keep this blog up-to-date as we sail around!


Staying Warm - And Cool

Whilst preparing the exterior paint, the yard is multitasking. On the inside of Scout’s hull, the insulation is going in. The top of this rectangular frame will be the raised dining table floor so you can also get a sense of how much storage there will be under the cabin - for water, fuel, food, and maybe wine!



Getting Dressed

It’s been over a month since the last update from France but Scout has been on the move! After the welding finished in Condé-sur-Noireau a few weeks ago, she has been moved 100 miles or so to Cherbourg, and is currently in the paint yard, awaiting her first outfit.



Scout Has Holes

Another week, another update from the welding yard in Condé-sur-Noireau. It looks like this was a week of cutting holes! We have a few new photos showing the details.



Front Of the Line

As the construction progresses, the hulls seem to move forward in the factory, and Scout now sees daylight! It seems like this first part of her conception is starting to come to an end.



The Right Way Up

After a short interlude, we just got a new series of photos from the welding factory. There’s a whole lot of new progress to share - and no more having to turn our phones upside-down to imagine what’s going on!


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