You Give Me "Sea-Fever"

Jan 30th, 2021 Jayne Music

In anticipation of our future boat Scout, and, as a recent birthday gift, James surprised me with a first edition collection of poems from John Masefield called Salt Water Ballads (1902). The first book of the future British poet laureate was one of only 500 copies printed, and included the poem Sea-Fever. For many who have an affinity with the sea or a thirst for poetry, the line “all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by” is probably the most well known. I think it is because it casts an endearing, simple need to be at one with the water.

Sea-Fever - from Salt Water Ballads by John Masefield
Sea-Fever - from Salt Water Ballads by John Masefield

As well as a talent for thinking of unusual and exciting gifts, James also composed an original piece of music to go with the words to Sea-Fever. This enchanting creation was composed for piano in G major, and a recording of Sea-Fever can be viewed in the video at the bottom of this post. Sit back, relax, engage the metaphorical auto-pilot, and enjoy!

Sea-Fever - part of the poem
Sea-Fever - part of the poem


Sea-Fever composition

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